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Getting Your Dog Fixed

Discover why spaying or neutering your pup is important. It prevents unwanted pregnancies, a litter, and helps control undesirable behaviors. Additionally, these procedures lower the risk of certain diseases in your dog. Our vets in Little Rock will guide you through the essentials of getting your puppy spayed or neutered.

Why should I get my dog fixed?

You might be considering whether or not to spay or neuter your recently acquired puppy. If you want to walk your dog on a leash or keep them in your garden or backyard, this decision is crucial.

Getting your dog fixed has several benefits, including better health, improved behavior, and the potential to save money.

Benefits of a Spayed Female Dog

Across the United States, animal shelters are filled with dogs. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (the ASPCA) estimates that 3.3 million dogs are a part of the shelter system in America each year. 

Health Benefits of Spaying Your Dog

Spaying your female dog before her first "heat" can reduce the risk of diseases such as uterine infections and breast tumors, which can lead to cancer.

Financial Benefits of Spaying Your Dog

Preventing the birth of unwanted puppies saves you money. Although there's a fee for spaying, it's much cheaper than the expenses involved in taking care of a pregnant dog, calling a vet for the birth of puppies, and caring for newborns.

Deciding Not To Spay Your Female Dog

Unspayed female dogs go through a reproductive stage called "heat." Your dog may attract male dogs for a duration of 18 days during this period. Unwanted encounters with male dogs on walks or in your yard, as well as an unplanned litter of puppies, can result from this.

Benefits of a Neutered Male Dog

As with spaying female dogs, when you neuter your male dog you help to reduce the population of unwanted dogs in the United States.

Health Benefits of Neutering Your Dog

Neutering your dog offers numerous benefits. Lowering the chances of developing tentacular cancer and reducing the risk of serious prostate diseases. Neutering prevents unwanted behaviors and conditions such as perianal tumors and hernias.

Behavioral Benefits of Neutering Your Dog

Neutering can control your dog's urge to wander and potentially decrease behaviors like mounting and aggression towards other dogs.

Deciding Not To Neuter Your Male Dog

Unneutered male dogs often exhibit several undesirable behaviors. These can include displaying territorial behavior, being overly protective of toys and people, showing aggression towards other dogs, and roaming, especially when searching for female dogs.

When to Get Your Puppy Fixed

Typically, puppies undergo spaying or neutering when they are between five and nine months old. Adult dogs can safely undergo this procedure. Consulting with your veterinarian will help you determine the optimal time for spaying or neutering your dog.

What to Expect When Getting Your Puppy Fixed

Your veterinarian will give you detailed instructions before your pet's surgery. These instructions will include guidelines for restricting your pet's food and water before the scheduled procedure.

Your veterinarian will provide you with instructions on how to ensure your dog's comfortable recovery after the surgery. Your dog may receive pain medication to take home, depending on the timing of the procedure.

In general, female dogs take longer to recover from spaying compared to male dogs after neutering.

After a female dog is spayed, she cannot have puppies as she becomes sterile.

Please keep in mind that male dogs are not immediately sterile after neutering. It can take up to 6 weeks for them to be considered safely sterile.

To learn more about spaying and neutering your dog, contact our Little Rock veterinarians today to book an appointment.  

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Bowman Road Animal Clinic is accepting new patients! Our experienced vets are passionate about the health of Little Rock companion animals. Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

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